Here you have the best patterns for de mar. In addition to patterns for mispequicosas, you can find another type of patterns like crochet with easy charts. We show you how to make amigurumi patterns with simple indications.
by Lanas Maranta
rosa, flor, planta, lanasmaranta
by Xuabe Xuabe
rosa, flor, xuabexuabe
by Mis Pequicosas
gorra, gorro, marinero, capitan, mispequicosas
conejo, conejito, conejita, amigurumi, mispequicosas
gatitos, gato, gata, amigurumi, mispequicosas
muñeco, nieve, mispequicosas
osito, amigurumi, mispequicosas
pato, patito, amigurumi, mispequicosas
by Walaly
posavasos, facil, decoracion, walaly
by El Taller de Aracne
chal, eltallerdearacne
by Patronarte
zapatillas, casa, mujer, patronarte
borde, ribete, patronarte
by Tricotoki
capazo, bolso, playa, verano, tricotoki
by Bluü
crochet, hojas, hoja, thebluuroom
crochet, monedero, boquilla, thebluuroom
by Irkachan
peces, sushi, crochet, irkachan
estrella, aplique, navidad, xuabexuabe
by Lanas y ovillos
by Lola Y Lana
chaleco, pelo, mujer, lolaylana
navidad, adorno, arbol, patronarte
by Cuartodecostura
jersey, gorrito, gorro, botitas, patucos, bebe, cuartodecostura
by The Little BeeNZ
chal, thelittlebeenz
by Simple Crochet
cómo, tejer, caja, bombones, crochet
by Ravelry
chal, primavera, mayo, espaciocrochet, ravelry, elisashawl
by Noagurumis
bolas, ganchillo, tutorial, noagurumis
by Arriba en el Desván
alfombra, trapillo, arribaeneldesvan
by Tutéate
zapatillas, casa, telar, tuteate
motivo, cuadrado, crochet, flor, relieve
by I am a Mess
bolas, helado, iamamess
tejer, crochet, calcetines, navidad
by Costurea
manta, ganchillo, crochet, sevilla, costurea
by Wasel Wasel
bolso, verano, trapillo, waselwasel
margarita, flor, planta, lanasmaranta
by De Estraperlo
años, letra, numero, deestraperlo
navidad, adorno, mispequicosas
crochet, jazmin, punto, ganchillo, thebluuroom
by Tsukeenos
cuerpo, amigurumi, base, tsukeenos
by Mis Obsesiones de Hoy
patucos, misobsesionesdehoy
by Tejiendo Peru
copos, nieve, navidad, adorno, tejiendoperu
collar, lactancia, bebe, lanasyovillos
by ChabeGS
bolso, chabegs
mandala, crochet, ganchillo, lanasyovillos
In donpatron you can search knitting pattern for your projects. Crochet, amigurumi, granny squares and all kind of wear.